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  • JPStuff Editor

Summer wheeling do's and don't - Have fun - Don't burn it down!

Ah Summertime, depends where you live this could be just a warmer part of your year or a short two months before fall and winter set back in, either way it's the time of year we all want to be out and enjoying the longer days and warm weather in our shorts and sandals camping under the stars or wheeling your favorite trail. Lots to consider for summer wheeling both to keep yourself happy and having a great time and protecting the environment we all so enjoy.

First up - its fire season. British Columbia stats state 40% of wildfires are human caused. That is 39% too much, I'll give 1% to things that could not be stopped but no more. This is the easiest thing us as users of the back country can prevent. This is also a large reason why the back country can get closed to us users. Not only should we be abiding by campfire bans (In effect in central BC starting Friday the 12th of June), we should be thinking about how our vehicles effect our surroundings (hot exhaust, sparks from steel on rocks, spark arrestor pipes on bikes and quads) and keeping all hot and burning material contained - not just cigarettes - as todays stats are 7.7% of BC smokes cigarettes. Everyone should have at least one fire extinguisher in your vehicle (I have three). Check your surroundings - tall grass down that narrow trail will be contacting all over your vehicle including exhaust. Abide by campfire bans and when having a campfire (when allowed) - fully extinguish at all times of year.

Animals. Late spring and summer will see an abundance of animals roaming from bears, to deer and there early spring babies. They are amazing to see in the wild but give them room. Remember for those young animals you may be the first thing on two legs they have ever seen and mom's can be protective. Store your camp food correctly, carry bear spray when needed.

Bugs bugs and more bugs. We were on the Whipsaw trail a couple years back and the bugs were so thick we all ran out of bug spray. Carry lots, keep long sleeve cloths in your bags even in those hot months, and funny as it may seem - look up what a bug suit is - you may thank me...

Water - lots of water. If your hot, your pets are hot and your wheeling rig is hot. Pack lots of water.

Seat belts - just wear them - this should be a no brainer - wear them all the time. We had a roll over on a popular obstacle on the Whipsaw due to a axle snapping. The passengers only had lap belts on - the wife sustained a bad head injury, and massive bruising to her legs from hanging upside down in the lap belt. It was 4 hours to the hospital.

Boots bring them - Yeah its flip flop season. Ever walk 4 hours out of the bush is flip flops?

Remember your recovery gear, first air kit and tools - I harp on about everyone should have a winch - but make sure you have tug straps - ratchet straps, shovels, and other recovery gear. We have rolled a vehicle back on its wheels with good ratchet straps once - needed a few.

Common sense - sometimes lost in the happy juice and happy smoke around the evening gathering re:campfire when no campfire ban. we all like a few beverages on our weekends out - but more accidents happen due to intoxication than certainly happens when sober.

Have a blast!!!!!!! It's summer after all - I'm not here to be a bush nanny - but have a great time - enjoy everything the wilderness has to offer - and take lots of pictures and video to show us all!!!!

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